Peace with Money

4 Weeks to Radically Evolve

Your Relationship with Money

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What is Peace with Money?

Peace with Money is an energy.
It is a different way of interacting with prosperity, wealth, and financial awareness that more easily magnetizes money into one’s life.
It is easy.
It is miraculous.
And it is a learnable practice that can transform your life.
It has already dramatically changed mine.
(Disclaimer: This is some far out magic. If you are against believing in miracles and possibilities, this may not be for you.)

Hi, my name is Molly Mandelberg.

While I’ve been in business for years and seen big success, I also have a history of struggling with scarcity. (More often than I’d like to admit.)

I would make money and yet it would be ‘never enough’…

I would pay my bills and still feel like I was drowning in them…

I would say my affirmations, and make my gratitude lists, and while I had some big months, I always still felt like money would leave me faster than I knew what was happening.

Sound familiar???

The more money I made, the more I spent.

It felt like I'd never Find a way to catch up.

Something changed when I began playing with the energy of “Peace with Money.”

(This is an alternative to 'abundance' & 'prosperity' wealth wisdom. It's working with the same magic, but it's a totally different energy.)

Through the practices I am going to share in this program, I began to see my entire reality around money change…

    • I started paying off debt
    • I started seeing clients come in with less and less marketing effort put out by me
    • Money began to show up unexpectedly out of nowhere
    • I started feeling ease and joy around learning how to invest
    • I began to sense wealth and even peace surrounding my relationship to my finances

There is no height we can climb to, that we can’t also once again slip down from, so as you can imagine, there is an ebb and flow with ‘peace with money.'

What I noticed is that whenever the flow slowed, it was because I had stopped my “Peace with Money” practices.

As soon as I start up again, Boom! Money flows ramp back up.

So after a lot of negotiating with the Universe, I decided I’d go ahead and share what I’ve found.

At this moment, you can join this adventure at a crazy discount...


This is for you if…

  • You’ve been craving a new relationship to money.
  • You know that money is not evil, but simply an energy
  • You are finally ready to make friends with money
  • You’d like money to come and play with you now
  • You know that you would do brilliant and generous things with more money
  • You know that your money story got twisted up somewhere along the way
  • You are excited to evolve to a new magical and miraculous operating system with money

What would it take to

become the energy of money? 

What can you expect to get out of this?

At the very least you will gain more awareness about your existing relationship to money and the ways you are attracting or repelling money in your life.

At best, your whole financial world will radically change for the better and you’ll uncover a tried and true system for increasing money flows any time you like for the rest of your life.

I can’t promise to know what you will get out of it. I can say that these are the very same practices and rituals that I have used to go from making no money and living as a starving artist, to running a 6-figure business and traveling the world full time.

Does it work?

4 Potent Weeks of Money Magic

With Five Robust Videos



More Money Miracles...


Let's get started,

shall we?