Leader, Healer, Light-worker, Change-maker!

If your work adds value to the lives of others, but you never seem to reach enough people, or bring in as much money as you'd like, it can be discouraging.

Not only does your heart yearn to make the difference that you are here to make, you may also be struggling to find time for yourself or your family or your bigger dreams.

It's time to master the art of leverage.

It's time to take a moment and learn some automation strategies, so you can keep the ball rolling to reach your people, without it being an every day, or every week task. 

One of the greatest ways to connect with and reach your people remains through Email Marketing and this program will show you exactly how to:

*Avoid feeling spammy

*Make a contribution to your audience

*Turn loving followers into soul-mate clients

*Set up systems to support your outreach so you can spend more time doing the parts of your business that you love

*And even better, spend more time living the lifestyle you truly want to live

Can you see what might be possible??




A New Paradigm of Healing, Growth, and Wellness

 I know that the inbox is inundated...

Of course it is. That doesn't mean you should avoid growing and nurturing your list.

Yes, there are a lot of emails coming in. 

Yes, most people abuse their email lists with offer after offer after offer. 

And yes, people ARE still opening emails, getting inspired, and taking action because they’re informed about what’s going on. 

It won’t be every person on your list who opens your messages, but the intention is that the ones who do open your emails get lit up, they get supported, they get excited and inspired and feel held by you, through the beauty that you share with them on a regular basis. 

I know it sounds crazy that you can make a difference like that without worrying about it on a daily or weekly basis, but it’s true. And it’s not as hard as you think. 

Through step-by-step training, integrated templates, and a seriously handy workbook, Email Marketing Mastery teaches you to connect, systemize, invite and deliver the goods masterfully, without the constant stress and overwhelm. 

Stop the overwhelm! Stop allowing your desire to make a bigger difference be eclipsed by "I'm not ready." or "I don't know how."

It’s time to share your work on a bigger scale and reach more of the people who need you. 

Especially now! 

(Seriously, the world needs leaders like you now. You know this.)

What you’ll get:

โœ“ Step-by-step trainings to create, and enhance your marketing via your email list 

โœ“ 6 group call recordings

โœ“ Technology walkthroughs that even the tech-unfriendly, and anti-tech folks can follow

โœ“ Inspiration, Ideas, Done-For-You Templates, and so much more, to inspire you to create HOT CONTENT that feels like you and attracts the right people into your world

โœ“ Energy upgrades. The chance to look at and address the hesitation, fear, and blocks that arise when we begin expanding our outreach in big ways.

โœ“ BONUS: One-on-one attention (with option to add-on more private support at a big discount)

โœ“ And this should go without saying, but the intention of everything we do in this program is that you get more Consults, Clients, Exposure, Opportunities, and YESES!

Email Marketing Mastery is a 6-Week Journey

JAM-PACKED with magic and marketing resources you can USE!


Pricing Options:

Paid in Full



Save money by paying in one installment.

One Time Payment

5 Payment Plan



Get all the same magic with less of a financial burden up front. 

5 Payments


If you get through the first month of the program, have participated in all the calls & exercises, and still decide this course is not for you, we will be happy to refund your investment. See more in FAQ

Who is this for?

The Healer

The Healer who is on a mission to change the world and is ready to empower themselves in action

The Messenger

The Messenger who wants an easy to follow system to effectively get the word out

The Leader

The Leader who aches to be seen, share their magic, and make a difference

What people are saying...

"This program is fantastic! Seriously, an easy-to-understand breakdown of the big pieces I'd been procrastinating about forever. Also, the awareness about putting in the time NOW to gain some space and time LATER. I had been hovering in comfortable-land, NOT taking the steps I needed to take when I joined the program. Thanks to lots of support and super-clear steps from Molly, I got a lot done in 6 weeks. Molly is all about clearing the way for people to better serve the world--I feel so much more prepared and ready to do so."

Madeleine Eno

"This program offered me lots of helpful how-to and took the overwhelm out of the technical side of important foundations for any online entrepreneur, from setting up an autoresponder, to doing surveys and conceptualizing how your offerings can fit together to serve your people over a period of time. It was highly useful and action-oriented, and gave me lots of insights and support."

Tara Rose

"I felt lost in the world of technology, sales funnels, and writing copy. I desired more than anything to support new clients and reach more people. Working with Molly has been a life changing experience. Now, I have the tools to implement my sales funnel from start to finish. I am more organized with my list. I write copy that resonates with my ideal clients. AND, I feel like she made herself accessible for support when I needed it. I highly recommend Molly as a leader in this field. "

Lucia Paxton

I'm ready to...

โœฎ Master the art of marketing my mission, message, and business

โœฎ Systemize my workflow so that more things get shared with less effort

โœฎ Tell the world what I do in such a way that my ideal clients lean in to working with me

โœฎ Get on the train to understanding, creating, and broadcasting with EASE

โœฎ Have fun getting the word out to grow my business!

Pricing Options:

Paid in Full



Save money by paying in one installment.

One Time Payment

5 Payment Plan



Get all the same magic with less of a financial burden up front. 

5 Payments


If you get through the first month of the program, have participated in all the calls & exercises, and still decide this course is not for you, we will be happy to refund your investment. See more in FAQ

The Six Weekly Modules Include...



In week one we will discuss:

* Setting up your list for the first time

* Re-engaging a list that's gone cold

*Re-directing a list that you're now taking in a new direction 

This is the foundation building and maintenance to set us up for the rest of the program.




In week two we will put together opt-in systems.

We'll discuss free gifts/offerings and walkthrough how to:

* Create Forms for Opt-Ins

* Set up Automated Email Sequences

* Connect the form directly to the email sequence for easy delivery

* Embed the opt-in form on your website

And then we'll draft posts about your offering. 




Learn about the easy way to nurture your audience.

Layout the system to automatically deliver tips, insights, inspiration and gems to your people over months or years at a time. 

* Connect this system with other sequences

* Brainstorm content ideas

* Begin drafting your topics into HOT emails




Begin mastering the Art of Making Invitations/Offers

Together we will draft sales copy for your offerings.

We'll also talk about Launch Strategies and how to time your promotions.

*Refine your invitation prowess

*Make offers that are irresistible

*Systemize the process so it's easier to sell 



One of the easy ways to grow your list is to make promotional partnerships - aka Joint Ventures or Affiliates.

We'll cover:

* Best Practices 

* Publicity Strategies

So you can get seen, get heard, get found, and share your message confidently.



Oh yes, there's more...

Learn about rapid growth techniques like:

* Summits

* Challenges

* Quizzes

And how to know when it's time to invest in Paid Ads to your funnel.

Bonus #1: Private Coaching

Get a full hour of private coaching with Molly $350 Value - free when you register for this program! 

We can make a lot of magic happen in an hour. You can also upgrade to more private time in the checkout cart process for a whopping deal, or for a slightly less whopping deal during the program. I've got your back! 

BONUS #2: Quiz Mastery

Using a Quiz to grow my list has been prolific. This 5 week homestudy course will guide you step-by-step to creating your own Client Attracting Quiz. From creating the topic and questions, all the way to automating the results and delivering the juicy emails and content to your people! 

This exact process allowed me to SEPTUPLE my list in 10 months. (That's 7X!!)

$777 Value

Free for you when you join Email Marketing Mastery!



What's that add up to?

That's over $1000 in bonuses

+ $2000+ Value in the program

= More than $3,000 in VALUE

But of course, we want you in on this!

So the investment is only...


Pricing Options:

Paid in Full



Save money by paying in one installment.

One Time Payment

5 Payment Plan



Get all the same magic with less of a financial burden up front. 

5 Payments


If you get through the first month of the program, have participated in all the calls & exercises, and still decide this course is not for you, we will be happy to refund your investment. See more in FAQ

What's it actually worth?

๐Ÿ’ญImagine waking up in the morning with email notifications announcing new clients have scheduled themselves for consultations, or while you were sleeping people had been receiving your content and purchasing your offerings.

๐Ÿ’ญImagine sitting down at your desk and seeing that an email that went out before you woke up has already gotten replies, thanking you for your message.

๐Ÿ’ญImagine lying on a beach somewhere, or going for a hike in the mountains, knowing that your business is still growing, because your audience is receiving your wisdom even while you’re away.

๐Ÿ’ญImagine walking into a networking event and someone pulling you aside, telling you they’ve been on your list for a while and they are so grateful for the amazing wisdom you’ve brought into their lives. Imagine how easy the following consultation with that person will be because they already know who you are and what you have to offer.

๐Ÿ’ญImagine not pulling your hair out every time you need to set something up, or write a bit of copy, or announce a new offering. Imagine doing those things with JOY.

This is not a pipe-dream.

This is my reality, and I want you to have it too.

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is ideal for coaches, healers, and leaders who are clear on their niche and who they serve. 

Those who have something to invite people to, even if only a consultation.

Entrepreneurs who have been in business for at least a year or two.

Examples of a niche: single women healing from heartbreak, or adults with back pain, or health professionals who want to expand their impact...

This is not for anyone unwilling to try new things.

This is not for those who deem themselves 'uncoachable' and refuse to be supported. 

This is not for anyone who feels they are so new to business that they've yet to work with a single client or do a single consult. 

You don't have to be a pro, we are aiming to make you one. But this program will work best if you have an idea of who you want to speak to/work with. 

This is also not for those who are unkind or incapable of delivering constructive feedback. We are building a village of Warriors for Good.

Please be aligned with sharing, supporting, and encouraging others, and making comments that are in the highest good of all. 

You will have access to the course materials for at least one year from the start date.

The BONUS call with Molly are to be used during the program or they will expire December 31st.

You will receive a printable PDF workbook and word doc version of the workbook.

The entire course will be conducted in the membership site, and in the facebook group. 

You can pay the balance of what you owe at any time, and we will only charge you for the portion of the financing fee that you used. 

i.e. 5 pays = $168 fee divided by 5 months = $33.60/month


If you get through the first month of the program, have participated in all the exercises, and still decide this course is not for you, we will be happy to refund your investment. (Minus the cost of any hours you've used with Molly 1-1.) 

Refund Requests must be made via PHONE CONVERSATION only, not via voicemail or email, and refunds will be processed 4-6 weeks from the date of approval.

No refunds will be given for quitting the program after completion of the first month.

Feel free to email me with any questions not answered here:

molly (at) wildheartsriseup (dot) com

The personal strategy calls must be used within 2 months of registering for the program. This is to maximize your productivity and effectiveness during the program.

If not used, the Bonus Call will expire. If you purchase additional time with Molly, you have 6 months from the purchase date to use them before they expire. Extraneous circumstances are accommodated on a case by case basis. 

More Happy Clients...

"Before working with Molly my business was running me. I always felt caught behind the eight ball trying to come up with content, marketing and lead generation tools to bring my services to my ideal clients. I now have a clear path to streamline my business front end and I am receiving cleaner leads because of it. Thanks to my work with Molly, my bottom line has increased and my overhead has decreased."

-Coach Lia Dunlap
The Oracle on Purpose

"I knew a lot of things in theory, but I wasn't really applying them in practice. Molly helped me to prioritize what I should be focusing on and to put good practices in place to make it happen. Sales went through the roof while working with Molly! We tripled our target! Not only that, but I have a lot more discipline now with the way that I reach out to current and potential customers. Do you remember in Star Wars, when the Rebels are going to blow up the Death Star, and you hear in the background of a particularly tense scene: "Stay on target..." - that's Molly."

-Katja Swift
Clinical Herbalist or Director, Common Wealth Herbs

"When I started working with Molly, my business was very small and I was afraid to put anything out there to promote it because I didn't know how. I didn't know how to write or organize my copy. I got so much done in my time with Molly. I now promote my workshops and services often, and I am able to imagine my business getting even bigger. Molly is a supportive, inspiring, and understanding mentor."

-Jennifer Mason
Vitamin Chi Acupuncture

"Molly stays on top of the trends in marketing and tech and I trust her advice. I like that she has a great creative mind and jumps in with ideas that can help my business reach more people."

-Patrice Perillo
The Career Transition Expert

"Mollyโ€™s command both of the English language and how itโ€™s used in sales without being sales-y as well as how to craft different marketing pieces is extraordinary."

-Dot Spaet
Engineer of the Human Body, Back Pain Specialist

Pricing Options:

Paid in Full



Save money by paying in one installment.

One Time Payment

5 Payment Plan



Get all the same magic with less of a financial burden up front. 

5 Payments


If you get through the first month of the program, have participated in all the calls & exercises, and still decide this course is not for you, we will be happy to refund your investment. See more in FAQ

I look forward to working with you...

There is nothing I love more than helping powerful leaders, visionaries, and healers, make a larger impact in the world by reaching more of their people.

I can’t wait to support you in finding so much more ease and joy in your business, and marketing your work like the badass you are.

Your people are waiting for you to show up loud enough, with the right message, so they can hear you and receive from you. Let’s do this.

-Molly Mandelberg, Founder of Wild Hearts Rise Up and Creator of "Magnetic Influencer Collective"

Molly Mandelberg, Founder of Wild Hearts Rise Up, is an expert in helping coaches, healers, and thought leaders to reach more of their soul-mate clients. She supports them in creating the strategy, content, and systems to have their own heart-centered sales funnels so that they can make a bigger difference (and more money) with less time spent. Finding your perfect niche and catering specifically to those you can best help is a fine art, and one worth mastering. If you want to be inspired to take action, find the courage to reach for more, or get clarity on how to do so, Molly Mandelberg may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Get off the fence...

If you'd like to discuss if it's right for YOU, right now, please book a call with me and we can discuss your business and whether this program is a good fit.
An aligned yes, or no, are both worth celebrating.


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Two Step

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